Sound Mixer For Feature Film – Creeping Death
Production: Creeping Death
Producer: Samfear Productions
Website: https://samfear.com/
Wrapped: October 2021
Scheduled Release: October 2022

Creeping Death is a full length film based on the mythology and lore behind Halloween. I was hired by Director, Matt Sampere as the acting production sound mixer for the shoot.
Production took place at various locations in Central NY and involved 19 days of shooting in barns, pumpkin patches, corns fields, and various homes. Many of these locations provided challenges for capturing premium audio, but we tackled them with a couple of booms, wireless lavalier mics, a premium sound recorder and a little sweat.
The project is moving into post-production in November 2021. As an independent production, completion funds are still needed for special effects, foley, dialogue replacement (ADR), music composition, and more.
If you’d like to contribute, check out the film’s Indie GoGo page to learn more: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/creeping-death-horror-feature-film
Video and images are the property of Samfear Productions