Puppy Chow

“Puppy Chow” is a triumphant, energetic, and adventurous orchestral soundtrack, featuring bright brass melodies supported by lifting staccato strings. It could be used as an opening to a news program, the underscore for a perilous battle scene, or an opening theme for an adventure story or video game. This track is highly versatile.
Song Data
Loopable: No
BPM: 135
Formats: 16 bit 44,100 Hz wave, 320 kbps mp3, 80 kbps mp3
ISRC: QML331400022
Loopable: No
BPM: 135
Formats: 16 bit 44,100 Hz wave, 320 kbps mp3, 80 kbps mp3
ISRC: QML331400022