Argh! My Loopable Soundtrack Does Not Loop Seamlessly.

Occasionally, when I provide my clients with a loopable score for their game, film, or other project, a certain concern regarding "loopability" may be raised after they review their deliverable files. The files typically include their audio loop in a number of formats, which may include .wav, .aiff, .caf, .aac, .ogg, or .mp3. I assure them that the track I have provided is seamlessly loopable, yet I'm often met with responses like, "There is a skip at the end of the loop", or "The music loop is not seamless." Does this sound like an issue you're having? Well, let me shed some light on this common issue.
It's not always the case, but the problem may not lie within the music itself, or within the composition, but rather with the format in which the loop has been compressed. I supply my clients with a lossless...
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