The Golden Nugget (Loop)

“The Golden Nugget” is a luxurious mannered underscore, inspired by the golden lights of Las Vegas, especially those from the Golden Nugget resort. The track features Latin and orchestral instruments which carry a standard Latin groove. The lush strings and pleasing harmonies provide the listener with a feeling relaxation and elegance.
This soundtrack would accompany any production that orients itself on those with expensive tastes – advertisement, video game, film, and so on…
Song Data
Loopable: Yes
BPM: 130
Formats: 16 bit 44,100 Hz wave, 320 kbps mp3
ISRC: QML331500064
Loopable: Yes
BPM: 130
Formats: 16 bit 44,100 Hz wave, 320 kbps mp3
ISRC: QML331500064